Happy Halloween!

Sandy Grease Grease: Sandy Costume
Sandy Grease costume
Photos by Jacques Théraube

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Sandy Costume:

Happy Halloween from New Orleans! It’s my first time here and I love it! This year I dressed as Sandy from Grease and I love how it came out! I actually forgot to wear my little gold hoop earrings for this shoot that go with the costume but I wore them Saturday evening and plan to again tonight! Since I don’t smoke and am totally grossed out by even the smell of tobacco when it’s not burning I chose to forgo the prop cigarette and instead carried this Moschino phone case. What are you dressing up as tonight?

Thank you for reading!

With love from NOLA,

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  1. Girl this costume and this entire blog post is crazy amazing! I miss your beautiful face and hope I get to see you soon. Have fun in NOLA!

    1. Thanks babe! I had a lot of fun and so many stranger came up to us and asked for photos!

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