Weekend Wear // Messy Hair

Sometimes Roger and I just spontaneously go out for margaritas and tacos down the boulevard at a favorite little spot called Te’Kila. Roger like to surprise me, which is sweet, but sometimes leaves little time to decide what to wear. Thankfully I have a plethora of brightly colored clothing and accessories to throw together and I’m a top knot expert ;) my weekend wear is usually along these lines, bright, flirty, simple and girly.. This is my casual…

Happy friday everyone!

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Dress: Nicole Miller c/o. Bag: Kate Spade.
Wedges: Bromstad for Naturalizer c/o (<– On sale!). Shades: Bebe.

purple kate spade bow bagKier Mellour of Fashion AddictNicole Miller Dressbromstad for naturalizer weekendwear-messyhair-6

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