Kier Couture is a space for conscious yet stylish gals who want to be glam and give a damn. They strive to make purchasing choices that will stay true to themselves while also making the world a better place.
Kier Couture shows them how.

Hi, I’m Kier. I was born and raised in a small town in Washington State. I grew up with a love for nature, animals, and fashion. I recently became aware of plastic’s impact on our earth so I’m using my platform to bring awareness to the single-use-plastic issue while also staying true to myself and my style. I love to show people how to shop, dress, and travel consciously and luxuriously.

Kier Couture blends shopping and living consciously, with staying true to my “extra” over-the-top style because I believe we can all be glam and give a damn.

Kier Couture is a mix of high-end and high street fashion, luxury travel, natural beauty, and sustainability tips. I try to write thought-provoking content and pair it with fashionable and glamorous outfits to offer style and substance.

I’m accepting partnerships with fashion brands and eco-friendly beauty/clothing brands as well as select travel opportunities.

Please don’t send plastic packaged PR gifts. Paper works just fine :)

Please email for partnership availability.


Any advice to those wanting to start a blog?

Get a professional site, logo, and coordinating social channel design.

Also, check out my tips for new bloggers at this useful How to Start a Fashion Blog guide.